Quest Courses
Each Quest class section is designed as a 3-credit academic seminar, capped at 25
Students in each course are encouraged to join in community service, academic, and
events that build the Quest community, and help cement belonging in the larger University
Utah community.
Course Benefits:
Be part of a small-size academic seminar in your first year
Learn from award-winning faculty
Fulfill multiple baccalaureate and general education requirements in a singular class
Engage in peer community and social events
This seminar course takes a global perspective on ethics as a philosophical exploration of self within different cultural contexts. Students will begin by identifying their own ideas of personal character and ethics, then consider pluralistic ideas of character and ethics both in their communities and globally. Particular attention will be paid to different cultural contexts and disparate social outcomes. Additionally, this course integrates embedded student success coaching, introduces interconnected core concepts of Information Literacy through embedded library support, and offers structured opportunities for exploring students to deeply consider and make purposeful decisions about major selection through embedded academic advising. Fulfills International (IR) gen ed requirements.
3110 sections are designed for students needing upper division credits.
This seminar course examines the growing role of artificial intelligence (AI) in decision-making and the ethical considerations surrounding it. Students will learn how to identify biases, make better decisions, and critically analyze situations as they apply an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the cultural and societal impacts of AI technology and consider significant questions about representation and equality. Additionally, this course includes student success coaching, librarian instruction related to information literacy, and opportunities to learn about career paths relevant to the social sciences through career coaching and virtual shadowing. Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences (BF) and Diversity (DV) gen ed requirements.
In this course, students will consider the social implications of technology through a unique blend of research, creative expression, and reflection on the ethical complexities raised by artificial intelligence (AI). Students will investigate historical contexts of technological development and the impacts on different communities, considering the cultural and social impacts of AI technology with respect to representation and access. The course culminates in a research-based creative symposium project, allowing students to communicate their insights through diverse artistic mediums. Additionally, this course integrates embedded student success coaching, library support, academic advising, and career coaching. Fulfills Humanities (HF) and Diversity (DV) gen ed requirements.
The course focuses on writing in academic contexts. Students practice analytical and persuasive writing that addresses various academic audiences with an emphasis on writing for learning, textual analysis, writing from research, and collaborative writing. Quest 2211 further considers the multi-faceted nature of leadership within communities and in academic and career fields, and the impact and importance of writing in leadership. Students examine the role writing plays in leadership while also developing their own writing skills and developing key leadership skills. Preparation for peer and student leadership roles at the university is included in the course.
For students interested in joining the Honors College, these are Honors First Year Pathway courses. Details about the Honors Pathways will be provided during class or may be accessed on the Honors website,